Song of Salma Lyrics is an Arabic famous song. Salma song sung by El Joker. At the date of March 10, 2012 this song first time released on YouTube. This song music composition also El Joker. Salma lyrics written by El Joker. This song sung in the language of Arabic. This song produced by Free Beat.
El Joker give the music label of this Salma song. This song got more than 9.5 million visitors on YouTube after released this song. So, let's know the song of Salma lyrics and also play the music video in below.
Salma Song Information | |
Song Name | Salma (سلمى) |
Singer Name | El Joker |
Song Writer Name | El Joker |
Music | El Joker |
Language | Arabic |
Released Date | March 10, 2012 |
Label | El Joker |
Producer | Free Beat |
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Salma |
سلمى Song Lyrics In Arabic
إتنطق إسمك،صحيت ذكرى كانت بتموت صورة و صوت
شبح الماضي قام لي ميت تابوت
سلمى ماتقولوش سلمي ماتكملوش
لاء سكوت مـتأيدوش ذكرى نسج عليها العنكبوت
معاكي كنت بعيش الهم لوحدك ما تشليش
ولما إحتجت سلمى جنبني،سلمى فين سلمى مافيش
حماراً يحمل الأسفار، بربي حية ما بين ضلوعي
مسحت دموعك،والغريب مسح منك دموعي
وقت ضيقي في بعدك فات،وجايه تقولي ذكريات
ظلمك زاد،ماتسئليش على أحمد، أحمد مات
مهما تقولوا سلمى حباك ولسه عايزة تعيش معاك
حب إمتلاك،أحمد ما عادش يشوف سلمى ملاك
أيوه عارف،غميت عينيّ عشان مكنش شايف
حب زايف أمل هايف كنت بالحقيقة خايف
أخاف لأخسرها،فبرضى تقابل حبي بإستهتارها
معاني فشلت قصة واضحة وعيني بتصغرها
أبني تهدّي، للبر أشد للغريق تشدّي
شايفك زي ما شاف خيالي و عمري ما شوفتك إنتي
مسكتك سيبتي،قربت قد مـانتي بعدتي
مت ألف مرة في غيبتك و إنتي راحتك كانت في غيبتي
قدت صوابعي شمع رضيت برضا العين و السمع
اتهديت من طول سقايا، جفاكي دمع
مصلحتي الدنيا تتداس تمللي راحتك عليا
عشرين سنة بتعلم بس لسه في أولي دنيا
رميتلك حبل نجاة عليا لفتيه و شنقتي
خنقتي، حرقتي، كل سطر ليكي في ورقتي
سبقتي، قتلتي، غيرتي و ماتعدلتي
قبلتي، تستهتري بحروف رسالتي
فالعيب عليا حاولت اصلح العيب فيكي
انا بشد العيب يشد، بس العيب كان أولي بيكي
عينيكي لمعت ، يوم ما دارت لفت جمعت
عينيك تتحدي عيني و الودان عملت ما سمعت
عينيا دمعت، لما الجذور قدامها إتقلعت
هاموت و اخدك في حضني وسامعك بتقوليلي أبعد
كان عقلي فين و انا كل يوم بكسر قدامك عين
مرت سنة هاتيلي مرة اتساوت فيها الكفتين
أبني تهدّي، للبر أشد للغريق تشدّي
شايفك زي ما شاف خيالي و عمري ما شوفتك إنتي
مسكتك سيبتي،قربت قد مـانتي بعدتي
مت ألف مرة في غيبتك و إنتي راحتك كانت في غيبتي
ماتتوصفشي، حرقة فيا ماتتكتبشي
مش دي اللي قالت حياتي بعدك واقفة مش هاتمشي
أشتاق أشوفها، أعدي من قدامها أعرف ظروفها
آلاقي الضحكة تعلا وإنعدم عليها خوفها
قالت هاسيب هاغيب، بس مين عارف النصيب
علقتني بحبل دايب، إسمه أحمد آخر حبيب
بس الكلام كان سهل، عايزه أمّا تغيب تربطني بحبل
والمفروض أفضل مستني لما الشاب يبقي كهل
أيوه صحيت،فهمت قد ايه ضعيف الخيط
ولا انتي ام عيالي ولا اللي تصوني جوه بيت
اه حبيت، بس ايه منك لاقيت
ذل ، ظلم ، خيانه ، وبعتي رغم إني إشتريت
هانيـّـمك في حضني وبيتنا ليك هايبقي جنة
وترجع من شغلك بتجري عليا وفـبالك عيالنا
ده الوتر، اللي لعبتي عليه والحلم غدر
وفي نهاية قلتي حلمت بس حكم القدر
القلب اتعصر، نزف دم يسقي قلب الحجر
كله اللي سامعه مش رجعالك شئ جوايا إتكسر!
إيه اللي إتكسر ؟! وليه علي اللي بينا إنتصر
ماتقوليش كلمة قدر ،عايزنك تقولي مين اللي غدر
حقيقة واضحة ، بس قلبك رافض المصارحة
فين الحب لما الواحدة بيستخسر في حبيبها الفرحة
من امتي شيلتي هم، مابكيتش عيوني قبلك
امتي خوفتي فا إرتعشتي وما لاقتنيش في حضني واخدك
في حياتك ياما قابلتي ناس ولسا باقي
بس إعذريني نص حبي ليكي مش هتلاقي
القلب الميت جاله يوم ، ريحة عفن تفوحله
والغريبه بير مسموم رجلي كل مره اروحله
لاول مره بتضحكني قولت مش عايزاني
ليه علشان في حضني واحده مستعدة تموت عشاني
حب إديت ، غدر لاقيت ، بس أحب أنصحك
ماتدمعيش من بعدي مش هتلاقي اللي يفرحك
Salma Lyrics By El Joker
( English Translate )
Your name was uttered, and revived a dying memory in me, through a voice and an image,
The ghost of the past arose as a hundred coffins,
Don't say "Salma" [1] don't continue to say, "Salma"
No, silence, do not set on fire the memory that the spider weaved,
With you, I carried the burden of misery, since you didn't carry it on your own,
And when I needed "Salma" next to me, where is "Salma"?
"Salma" is nowhere to be found
(I am as) a donkey carrying scriptures [2], I am raising a snake between my ribs,
I wiped your tears, and a stranger wiped my tears from you,
My hardship has been over since you were gone,
And here you come talking about memories, your injustice increased,
Don't ask about "Ahmad" [3], "Ahmad" died.
No matter how much you say "Salma" loved you and still wants to live with you, it is a love to possess [4]
(For) "Ahmad" no longer sees "Salma" as an angel
Yes I know,
I covered my eyes so I would not see- the fake love, ridiculous hope-
To be honest I was afraid- afraid to lose her, so I was satisfied with the fact that she accepts my love with negligence- The meanings failed; it is a clear story, (since) it becomes little in my eyes [5].
I build, but you destroy,
I pull a drowning person unto safe land, you pull against drowning [6],
I see you the way my imagination saw you, when I never even saw (the real) you,
I held your hand but you left mine,
I approached as much as you went far away from me,
I died a thousand times in your absence, but you found comfort in my absence
I lit my ten fingers as candles [7] with the approval of my eyes and ears,
I have been wrecked in watering your apathy with tears,
It is for my benefit that my world is stepped on, (so that) it fills you with comfort,
For twenty years I have been learning but I am still in the world's first grade,
I threw you a rope of salvation, you twisted it around (my neck) and strangled me
Choked, burned, every line of you in my paper
You took the initiative, killed,
I changed while you didn't fix (your attitude),
You agreed to look down upon the letters of my letter,
So it is my fault that I tried to fix what's wrong with you,
I pull against inappropriateness, (but) it pulls back, [8]
But inappropriateness was within you first,
Your eyes shined, when they turned they circled and gathered (attention)
Your eyes challenged my eyes, I pretended not to hear,
My eyes teared up when the roots were ripped in front of them,
I am dying to take you into my embrace, and I hear you telling me to go away,
Where was my mind when I everyday would break the eye in front of you [9],
A year passed, could you recall one time when both our sides were equal [10]?
I build, but you destroy,
I pull a drowning person unto safe land, you pull against drowning
I see you the way my imagination saw you, when I never even saw (the real) you
I held your hand but you left mine
I approached as much as you went far away from me
I died a thousand times in your absence, but you found comfort in my absence
It is indescribable, the (heart) burn in me cannot be written,
Isn't she the one who said, "My life will stop after you are gone, it won't go on."
I miss seeing her, (miss) passing in front of her and knowing how she is doing,
I find my smile rising, and it becomes void of fear,
She [11] said, "I will abandon you, I will go away."
But who knows the fate [12]?
She hanged me on an eroded rope [13], its name is "Ahmad, the last lover."
But the words were easy,
When she leaves, she would want to tie me with a rope,
Am I obliged to wait until the youth becomes elderly [14]?
Yes I woke up,
I understood how weak the string [15] is,
Nor you are a mother of the family, nor are you to be protected in a house,
Yes I loved, but what did I find from you?
Degradation, injustice, betrayal, and you sold me although I bought you [16],
I would make you sleep in my embrace, and our house will remain a heaven for you,
And you will return from your work, running to me, thinking about our family,
This is the chord that you played on me [17], and now the dream betrayed (me),
And in the end you said I dreamed but destiny conquered (us).
My heart is crushed, to the extent it shed enough blood to water the heart of stone!
All I hear from you is, "I won't return to you; something inside of me was broken."
What was it that was broken?
And why did it triumph over what is between us [18]?
Don't say it was our fate, (since) I want you to say who was the one who betrayed,
The truth is clear, but your heart is refusing openness [19],
Where is the love when one finds happiness too much for his lover?
Since when did you carry my burdens?
My eyes never cried before (meeting) you,
When were you afraid and trembling and did not find me embracing you?
You have met many people, and you still will,
But pardon me, you won't find love half as sincere as mine,
The heart is dead and now gives off a rotten smell,
It's strange that my legs always lead me to the poisoned well,
For the first time it is making me laugh when you say you don't want me,
Why? Because in my embrace there is another one who is ready to die for me,
I gave love, I found betrayal [20],
I would like to advise you, "Don't cry after you leave, since you won't find someone to make you happy anymore."