Amor No Correspondido Letra is a famous new Spanish song. Song of Amor No Correspondido letra sung by Tania Dominguez. This song written by Tania Dominguez. Song of Amor No Correspondido lyrics started by the line of Tu amor no fue real and in English translation is Your love was not real. This song released on the date of 16th December, 2022. Song of Amor No Correspondido lyrics got a good visitor in YouTube after released this song. This song music composition by Jimmy Humilde.

Amor No Correspondido song got a music label which name is EDG Media. This song sung in the language of Spanish. Amor No Correspondido song first published on the YouTube in the channel of Rancho Humilde. So, let's know the song of Amor No Correspondido lyrics and also play the music video in below. You can also know Tania Dominguez all song lyrics here.

Amor No Correspondido Song Information
Song NameAmor No Correspondido
SingerTania Dominguez
SongwriterTania Dominguez
MusicJimmy Humilde
Released DateDecember 16, 2022
LabelEDG Media

Amor No Correspondido Letra
Amor No Correspondido

Amor No Correspondido Letra By Tania Dominguez

Tu amor no fue real
Solo fui una más
De tus jueguitos sucios
Que sueles acostumbrar

Yo tonta no creí
Lo que decían de ti
A capa y espada yo
Siempre te defendí

Y fue por ti
Soy infeliz
No tengo a nadie solo
Te tenía a ti

Amor perdido
Se fue al abismo
Amor no correspondido

Tu amor no fue real
Nada te faltaba
Y aún así te fuiste a buscar
A alguien más

Yo tonta no creí
Hasta que por fin vi
Me dolió el corazón pues no
Sentías nada por mí

Tenías razón
Fuiste un error
Ojalá nunca te hubiera conocido

Amor perdido
Se fue al abismo
Amor no correspondido

Amor No Correspondido Lyrics - Tania Dominguez

Your love was not real
I was just one more
Of your dirty little games that you usually get used to

I fool did not believe
What they said about you
With cloak and sword I always defended you

And it was for you
I am unhappy
I don't have anyone, I only had you

Lost love
She went to the abyss
Unrequited love

Your love was not real
You lacked nothing
And still you left to look for someone else

I fool did not believe
Until i finally saw
My heart ached because you didn't feel anything for me

You were right
You were a mistake
I wish I never met you

Lost love
He went to the abyss
Unrequited love

Amor No Correspondido Music Video