Toni & Tini Lyrics - Varrosi is a new famous Albanian song. Song of Toni & Tini lyrics sung by Varrosi. This song written also by Varrosi. Song of Toni & Tini lyrics started by the line of Toni edhe tini u rriten bashk and in English translation is Toni and tini grew up together. This song released on the date of 12 March, 2022. Toni & Tini song a good visitor at YouTube after released a day. This song music video produced by Term and Rvchet.
Toni & Tini song got a music label which name is Varrosi OTR. This beautiful song sung in the language of Albanian. So, let's know the song of Toni & Tini lyrics and also play the music video in below.
Song Name | Toni & Tini |
Singer | Varrosi |
Songwriter | Varrosi |
Language | Albanian |
Producer | Term and Rvchet |
Released Date | March 12, 2022 |
Label | Varrosi OTR |
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Toni & Tini |
Toni & Tini Lyrics - Varrosi
Toni edhe tini u rriten bashk
Njoni ngeli mrapa tjetri doli jasht
Njoni jeten e shpejit tjetri shum t'avasht
Po prap me shpresa se do bohen bashk
Toni doli jasht filloj tu bo lek shpejt
Filloj pun per nji bos me pika tu hek
Tini ngeli mrapa filloj pun kamarier
Me nji lokal t'lagjes bakshisha tu mbledh
Toni tu punu fort tu rreziku jeten
Po gjithmon mendonte per shokum si ka vetem
Alo tini mosu merzit o vlla
Se shum shpejit angline ke me pa
Tini me zi tu prit me ik sa ma shpejt
Se lek per cigare nuk kishte n'xhep
Alo toni si t'kam zemra vllait
Ma nis naj lek se jam nkokerr t'hallit
S'kam buk me honger esht tu m'ik truni
Jam merzit shum e spo m'zen ad gjumi
Vec ke ti kam shpres e di po t'bi nqaf
T'kam byrazer e jena rrit bashk
Cjan kto fjal i thot toni ntelefon
Ca kam une osht e jona a po kupton
Lek t'co vllai pa pik problemi
Do ti coj ma von se jam n'pun per momentin
Per tonin gjonat ndryshun
U bo bos i vetes me puntor n'pun
E msoj lojen mir u bo i avancum
Nuk hekte ma pike me kile po lun
Me lidhje tforta anej ka kolombia
Dora par e bukve tu prek miljona
Rrite vetem s'kishte pik besimi
Kishte ardh koha per premtimin e timit
Alo tini ngjo s'po boj kot
Bohu gati me ardh te vllai jot
Ke bileten gati shko n'aeroport
Mezi po pres me tpa ja qifsha ropt
Tini mori rrugen gati me ik
Me taku shokun si ishte tu e prit
Sja kishte haberin ku ishte tu shku
E sa shpejt jeta kishte me i ndryshu
Pa problem tini e kaloi rrugen
Arriti n'londer e ishte i lumtur
Toni e priti mir se erdhe vlla
Tani si jena bashk ska kush na nda
Po tinin, dicka e habiti
Toni nuk ju duk ashtu si e priti
O ton o vlla m'fal qe po t'pyti
Po pse je vesh si puntor ndertimi
Toni buzqeshi edhe i tha
Ktu jena me bo lek jo me ra ns'sy vlla
Policia ndryshe, nuk ka hajgare
Nuk jan si n'Shiqipni si blehen me pare
Me men n'kry e me kom n'tok
Lek me bo e mos me shit pordh
Se menja e madhe se ka rrugen e gjat
Me pas kujdes se ky rast nuk vjen prap
Tini i shkathet e msoj punen shpejt
24 ore vec me tonin tu nejt
Mori zonen e vet kilet tu i hek
Buket tu ik e leku tu ardh shpejt
Mallina ma t'mir ma t'lir se tjert
Puna e leht kur ke per krejt
Toni me Tinin bobat e venit
Lekun ma t'madh nuk e rrushin per tjerit
Krejt e dishin sa fuqi kishin
Money is power like me thas vishin
Ta problem vec drejto gishtin
Vec me lek dritat ti fikshin
Toni me vizione qellime n'jet
Donte me pas familjen e vet
Me hap naj biznes, me bo lekun e paster
Kur t'shkote n'shpi me flejt rehat naten
Se jeta rruges nik kishte jet
Pranaj punote fort dhe me kujdes
Nuk binte n'sy su perzinte me njerz
Emrin ja dishin po ftyra e zez
Boni lek plot donte me u kthy n'shqipri
Po shifte kujt me ja shit pjesen e tlj
Kush e merr lidhjen me kolumbine
Po hala s'la fol me shokun e tij
Tini krejt ndryshe jetonte per sot
Lek pa fun, se rrunte fort
I harroi rregullat si I tha toni
Filloj tu jetu tu bo jet bobi
To binte n'sy pordha e modhe
Tu honger mut tu fol naper kafe
Toni I tha na more n'qaf o vlla
Tini spat s'e ngjaoi ca tha
Tini s'e ngjove ca thash
prej sot e tutje a'punojm mo bashk
M'vjen shum keq per kto qe t'i thash
Po ti s'do vllain ti lek paske dash
Tini person tjeter s'e njifte mo veten
Leket malli ja prishen jeten
Tu harxhu me femna tu ble materiale
Ra nsy shum dajt hyn n'valle
Tini vazhdote jeten luksoze
Cdo nat kalonte me lloj lloj goce
U nda nga toni shum gjona harrote
Leket per mall ska kush tja conte
Puntoret iken se s'i pagunte
U dojshin t'ri puna mos t'i humbte
E gjeti nji djal qe ishte n'hall
Ju deshen leket vec me nejt gjall
Flm shum si ma dhe shansin
Jom gati per pun vec m'thuj kur je gati
Tini menje leht t'shtunen do flasim
Do cosh leket do marresh mallin
Tini tu pi, ekish shtru me viza
Tu prit puntorin me shku te shpia
Papritur ju thy dera shpis
Mos leviz forcat e policise
Tini n'fugon dirket per rajon
Si I justifikon 400 mij pound
Edhe do kile denimi I rond
T'erdhi fundi polici I thot
Tini buzqesh edhe I thot
Un jom puntor t'shkoi muni kot
Nese m'le t'lir un ti rris gradat
Ta jap bosin me ylla t'i mush shpatullat
Nese m'jep bosin per mu je I lir
Po po genjeve kurre nuk sehe drite
Qe ku osht kontrata vec firmose
Nese m'jep bosin liri per zotrote
Polici bo letrat, tini firmosi
Polici gati me dit kush o bosi
Tini tregon venin emrin e ka toni
Ja dhe veni lekve tjeter gjo doni
Prit pak mos u nxito
Derisa t'kapim tonin ti s'ke ku shko
Ke dhe I gho theter t'vogel me bo
Merre n'telefon thuj hajde m'tako
Alo toni m'fal o vlla
M'kishte verbu leku e s'isha tu pa
Kam bo gabim tani e kuptova
Hajde m'tako se du me fol shum gjona
Toni syt me lot, ju bo qedi shum
Ke veni bardh hajde kur t'dush
Nese pra vlla, ka 7:30
M'ka marr malli shum jam merzit
T'nesermen toni tu prit padurim
Mendote se tini ishte si n'fillim
S'ja kishte iden ga ishte tu ndodh
Tini shit vllain
Hic pa u lodh 7:30 ndodh pabesia
Toni e hongri e rrethoi policia
Toni u habit nga kjo fatkeqsi
Kurre s'i shkoi menja te vllai tij
Toni & Tini Lyrics - Varrosi
( English Translation )
Tony and Tini grew up together
One remained behind the other came out
Know the life of another very slow speed
Still with the hope that they will be together
Toni went out and started making money quickly
I start work for a boss with dots to remove
Tini left me start working as a waiter
With a neighborhood bar you tip to collect
Toni to work hard to risk your life
Yes he always thought of shock as he has alone
Alo tini mosu merzit o vlla
You saw me very fast in England
Tini in black waited for me to leave as soon as possible
That there was no money for cigarettes in his pocket
Alo toni si t'kam zemra vllait
I'm not going to lek because I'm not good enough
I have no bread to eat, my brain is gone
I'm very bored and I'm tired of sleeping
Except you have hope I know if I hug you
I have a byrazer and you grow up together
What these words says on the phone
What I have is ours do you understand
Lek t'co vllai pa pik problemi
I will take you later because I am working at the moment
For us the guys change
He became his own boss with a worker at work
I learned the game well and became advanced
He did not lift any points by the pound he was playing
Colombia has strong ties on the side
The first hand of the bread touches millions
Growing up just had no peak of confidence
It was time for my promise
Alo tini ngjo s'po boj kot
Get ready to come to your brother
You have the ticket ready to go to the airport
I can hardly wait with tpa ja qifsha ropt
Tini took the road ready to run away
Meet my friend as you were waiting for him
Sja had the news where to go
And how quickly life had to change
No problem tini crossed the road
Arrived in London and was happy
Tony welcomed him well, brother
Now as you are together there is no one who separates us
Po tinin, something surprised her
Tony did not look like he expected
O ton o vlla m'fal qe po t'pyti
But why are you dressed as a construction worker
Tony smiled and said
Ktu jena me bo lek jo me ra ns'sy vlla
Police otherwise, there is no haggling
They are not like in Albania as they were bought before
Me men n'kry e me kom n'tok
Lek me bo and do not sell me fart
That the big menu that has a long way to go
Then be careful that this case does not come again
Tini is agile and I learn the job quickly
24 hours except with your night tone
Took its own area the kilos you remove
Bouquet to leave and lek to come quickly
The goods are better than the other
Easy work when you have it all
Toni with Tini venob bobs
They do not grape the biggest lek for others
They all knew how much power they had
Money is power like me thas vishin
To problem just point the finger
Only with lek do you turn off the lights
Toni with vision goals in life
He then wanted his family
I opened a business, I made clean money
When you go home I sleep comfortably at night
That street life nik had jet
Work hard and carefully
He did not fall in love with people
They knew the name but the black face
Boni lek full wanted to return to Albania
He was shifting to whom to sell the part of tlj
Who gets the connection to Columbine
Yes, I did not talk to his friend
Tini lived completely differently for today
Lek without fun, because he lived hard
He forgot the rules as Tony told him
I started to live to become a bobi
To fall into the big fart
Tu honger mut tu fol naper kafe
Toni I said na more n'qaf o vlla
Tini spat s'e ngjaoi ca tha
Tini did not like what I said
from now on we work together
I'm so sorry for what I said
But you do not want your brother to lek because you want
The other person did not know himself
Leket goods ruin his life
You spend with women to buy materials
Ra nsy shum dajt hyn n'valle
Tini continued the luxurious life
Every night was spent with some kind of oyster
I parted from the tone many guys forgot
Leket for merchandise no one brought it
Puntoret iken se s'i pagunte
They wanted the new job not to lose them
He found a boy who was in the hall
You need the money only for the living night
Flm much like ma and chance
I'm ready for work but tell me when you're ready
We will talk easily on Saturday
You will take the money and you will receive the goods
Tini to drink, ekish bed with visas
Wait for the worker to go home
Suddenly you broke down the door
Do not move police forces
Tini n'fugon dirket per region
Si I justifies 400 thousand pounds
Even every pound of punishment rond
The police came to an end, he says
Tini smiles and says
Un jom puntor t'shkoi muni kot
If you let me go I will increase your grades
I give the boss with stars to shrug his shoulders
If you give me the boss for me you are free
Yes you are lying you never see the light
From where is the contract already signed
If you give me the boss freedom for lords
Polici bo letrat, tini firmosi
The police almost knew who the boss was
Tini indicates venin's name has toni
Here and put the other money whatever you want
Wait a minute do not rush
You have nowhere to go until we catch ours
Ke and I gho theter t'vogel me bo
Get on the phone say come on
Alo toni m'fal o vlla
I was blinded by the lek and I did not see you
I made a mistake now I understand
Come on, I want you to talk to me a lot
Toni eyes with tears, you bo qedi much
You put on white, come on when you take a shower
If so brother, it is 7:30
I miss you so much I'm bored
T'nesermen toni tu prit impatim
You thought yours was like in the beginning
He had no idea what was going to happen
Tini shit brother
Hic tirelessly 7:30 infidelity occurs
Tony hungry was surrounded by police
Tony was surprised by this misfortune
He never went to his brother
Toni & Tini Video Song - Varrosi